Chairman, Welcomes all to the meeting.
(2) Apologies:
Trudy & Tony, Gail Starr, Gwynfor, Ian Mitchell, Eric Mawson (son very ill), Yvonne Guise, Cllr. Neil, & Cllr David Carr.
(3) Police Report:
Anti social behaviour residents of care home dealt with. Reports of 4 youths on electric bikes near Lyndale.
(4) Treasurer’s Report:
£425.86p Defibrillator Account at August, to which Secretary has sourced £200.00p with more likely to come. Brian has managed to obtain the remainder to pay the £1,300.00p demanded by the County Council for installation of the new defibrillator on the promenade from the Town Council and several Town Councillors who have donated part of their allowance allocation. With many thanks to all, we may now install this unit. Any excess cash may be deposited in the ‘Defibrillator Account’ for future use.
Defib: £625.86p, Graffiti: £2320.00p, Min y Don Park: £322.80p, OCRA: £438.13p. Brian has also obtained £1078.34p for future ‘Special Event(s) Total: £4778.13p.
(5) Peulwys Sub-Committee:
Member reported an 18 hour wait at A & E, Y.G.C.H. before signing out without seeing a doctor. No doctor available at Cadwgan surgery. He noted a new housing estate being erected next to the hospital adding to other estates mushrooming in the county on green field sites. One wonders what the future holds for us healthwise. 50 others in A & E, some seriously ill.
The Peulwys sub committee was formed to save the Peulwys field. Since then, several acres of good agricultural land have been made available, ostensibly for development, in Old Colwyn. Should we be making efforts to protect all this land, or just Peulwys?
We note that the Welsh Government seems not to adopt extensive planning legislation and guidance compelling the use of brown sites in order to protect good land, the environment and local heritage, and specifically mentions Government owned brown sites.
Secretary to contact Golf Club once more to verify if their land has been sold to date or if its sale is intended in the near future.
Our Councillors expect to be able to offer more information following planning meetings in the near future.
(6) Graffiti Project:
To be commenced end of October.
(7) Active Travel:
No further news.
(8) Life Belts on Prom:
Now know that special fencing material is awaited; also work is only possible in accordance with favourable tides/weather to complete access points to beach.
(9) Liter Pick:
It was decided to postpone this till more favourable weather arrives.
(10) Unused Building Mochdre:
No further news here. It is noted that County Council is locked into a 30 year contract here.
At last, as above, our new prom. Can have its unit installed.
(12) Statutory Speed Limit:
No further news. Residents complaining regarding speeding vehicles on Wynnstay Road, Cliff Gardens juntion. CC will have a word with police regarding enforcement.
(a) Beach of Dreams:
Secretary attended meeting. Colwyn Bay is one of 6 resorts in U.K. chosen to explore ideas to promote the towns through literature, decorations, heritage and any other innovative manner. Our Tape and their skills are involved. The next session will be in May, 2025. Are we on board? These people were especially interested in our (fast vanishing) Welsh culture which could be exploited positively.
(a) Beach Mats:
Event on Colwyn Bay beach tomorrow, 2.10.24. All will be explained next meeting.
(17) There being no other business, meeting closed at 8.35pm.
Next meeting will be held on 5.11.24.