Welcoming all and thanking them for their interest.
(2) Apologies:
Brian, Sandra, Gwynfor, Patricia and Cllr. Carr. Cllr. Cheryl told us that Patricia had been recently hospitalized, but now returned home and improving. Cheryl had visited her with flowers and our thoughts for her as a long standing and supportive member of the Association.
(3) Police:
Karl had been in contact with Cheryl. Newly occurred R.T.C. where lady partially sighted had been knocked down in Abergele Road. Extent of injuries unknown to date. (it is now known that the injuries to the lady are not life threatening) No serious A.S.B reported.
(4) Treasurer’s Report:
Brian away. Left details: Defib. £425.86p, Graffiti: £2320.00p, OCRA £245.12p with £91.82p for annual insurance and £36.00p hall rental due.
(5) Peulwys New Build:
The newly formed sub. Committee to deal with this issue meets regularly. We are blessed with officers with professional knowledge who are working hard to gather useful evidence to oppose the plans which include flooding issues, altitude making Active Travel impossible. A site at Dolwen Road was refused for similar reasons whilst the Peulwys site is at identical altitude and steeper inclines. A lack of affordable homes is important. Bryn Elian School is already oversubscribed and applicants regularly refused admission. Fliers are being prepared for distribution. Noted that open meetings organised by P.A.W. had been attended by a very small proportion of residents. Many are unaware of the proposed new estate. Secretary had thanked P.A.W. for a fair report of issues raised at the public meetings. Please ensure that this issue is discussed as widely as possible and inform Secretary of any useful information.
(6) Graffiti Project:
Cheryl told us that discussions were still underway between police, Andy the artist and local youths. They were looking at two dates in May and June. Noted that the value of the sum mentioned at (4) above is being eroded by recent inflation.
(7) Min Y Don Park:
Work is still in progress planting, resurfacing of tennis courts etc.
(8) 20 MPH Limit:
Noted that 20mph signs could not be placed in areas where there is street lighting, and were being removed. Police had been active with speed guns in Llanelian Road.
(9) Afon Conwy Weed Clearance:
Cheryl told us that repeated requests had been made to the appropriate Council Dept. to attend to this… Also noted that the barrier in the river was damaged and less effective.
(10) Public Toilet Availability:
Funding has been applied for for this scheme.
(11) Christmas Fair and Clashing Events:
Trudy currently away and would report in near future.
(12) 25% Waste bin removal economy:
Merfyn Thomas address the membership: “I am very disappointed by the lack of leadership and poor business sense shown by the leader of CCBC , possibly the worst leader I can remember in my 24yrs in Colwyn Bay, vastly overpaid and not up to the Job. I am also concerned with the lack of behaviour shown by elected members in the chamber; a rabble. We are paying their salaries and at an increase of circa 20% in our council tax we deserve better especially that they have received a 5% increase in their salaries far more than the 1% offered to the nurses”
(13) Any other business:
(a) Litter Football Club
There was a great amount of public litter diposal in the near vicinity of the football club. Secretary to contact the club. As an association, we do organise local litter picks and hope to do so as the weather improves.
(b) Pot Holes:
Our roads seem to be developing more pot holes some of which are being repaired in a very temporary fashion. A member referred to national specifications for such work, which should be of a standard to avoid future unnecessary expense. It was said that Coed Coch Road, newly re-surfaced was for some reason to be dug up once more. Why?
(c) Plastic Turf:
Mr Merfyn Thomas referred once more to his observations at (12) above and lack of leadership. Why had the Council spent £600,000p on the plastic turf at the rugby field which has an estimated life of some 10 years when traditional grass would have been a saving for the Council who are in such dire financial straits?
(14) Meeting Closed:
There being no other business meeting closed at 8.25pm., next meeting 7.5.24. same venue.