(1) Meeting Opened
The Chairman opened the meeting
(2) Apologies
Gwynfor Jones and Neil Coverley
(3) Chairman’s Address
Our Chairman, Richard Poynton opened the meeting by welcoming all, and stating that vacancies were required on the Committee. He indicated that all current members were happy to continue for the upcoming year, except for one resignation. Richard thanked them for their services.
Trudy Mardon offered her services, seconded by Sandra McAllister. Agreed by all present.
He paid tribute to Cllr. Bob Barton decd. Who donated his expenses for the installation of defibrillators in the village thereby encouraging other Councillors to follow suit. We now have 2, with another in hand for the promenade when complete. We hope to install a suitable plaque to commemorate their commitment.
The Treasurer and Secretary attended a ceremony last summer to present prizes for the winners, of an anti litter competition, Saint Joseph’s School. Hilary Hughes decd. had donated £100.00p for this. Another example of a selfless public spirited person who had previously served as a local Councillor.
We are now display on the local digital advertising board in Cefn Road, which has attracted new members to the Association.
We have seemingly lost the B.I.D. venture to refurbish Cefn Road.
Cllr. Cheryl has formed a good relationship with our new dedicated police officer, Carl. They are working together to complete the graffiti project which will soon hopefully commence. It is important that we involve local youth in this venture.
He paid special tribute to Brian Cossey who continues to give of his valuable support, time and experience although he is no longer a Councillor. Yet another tribute to public spirited people.
We continue our quest to persuade the Council to make full use of under developed brown sites before they use our green fields. There will shortly be a press release. Our young people are denied the chance to purchase affordable homes whilst expensive new builds, second homes and holiday lets proliferate here. A prime example is the empty site at Endsleigh Road empty for decades.
Neil Coverley as Chairman of the town football club has raised its profile considerably, especially for the 400 youngsters now in training for bigger things. The club’s success has earned European recognition. Well done Neil.
The Summer Fair will proceed as planned. Trudy, Gail, Sandra and Cheryl have worked so hard on this event scheduled for Saturday, 17th., June, 2023. At Min y Don park.
Plans for the Christmas Fair had to be abandoned owing to excessive costs and lack of sufficient support to ensure its success. We look to 2024 now.
These are just the main issues over the last year. See your minutes on the web for more information concerning the many other matters we have sought to resolve.
I’d like to thank you all for the interest you have shown over the last year, especially Brian, Cheryl, Gail, Sandra Neil and Jason.
(4) Sea Defences
Mr. Morgan Lloyd Engineer gave an account of the work to secure the sea defences at Old Colwyn. They had secured a quarter of the whole amount dedicated for sea defences of the Welsh budget for the project. Planning started 10 years ago with £3M funding for 3 years of planning and purchase later of rocks for £6M of the 3.5km site. As it progressed, money came in packets, but well ahead of schedule to continue. He praised the efficiency of Griffiths, the contractors. The project is expected to cost at least £35M. Mostly locally quarried stone is used.
Goronwy Edwards from Conwy County Council explained the process using well presented images of what the completed works will look like. Footpath at foot of rail embankment to vanish. Cycles and pedestrians apart from vehicular traffic. The promenade will be raised 1.5.M and together with stone breakers, will protect the coastline. The work is expected to be completed by early 2024 and is difficult to imagine without viewing the excellent display. Goronwy then invited questions.
A resident was concerned about the dust inevitably blowing inland with a northerly wind which affects those with pulmonary problems. Goronwy was aware of this, and promised to do whatever possible to minimise it.
Why was the jetty T shaped, rather than extending out to sea? The shoreward’s side of the T would not be used by fishing folk. There was no answer other than ‘that was the design.’ Would there be a kiosk and toiltes? Yes, but that would be separate to the main works
It was noted that the ‘No Cycling’ notice continues to be generally ignored. Someone has damaged the sign denoting this.
(5) Secretary’s Report
The two defibrillators in the village have been taken out for use on several occasions illustrating their value in the community. Those taken ill were however attended to by ambulance crews before they were actually put into use.
(6) Treasurer’s Report
- OCRA £306.39
- War Memorial: £1074.00
- Graffiti Project: £2320.00
- Defibrillator: £679.74
(7) Officers of Association
Existing Members have agreed to continue in office, except Peter. As indicated above, this vacancy is now filled.
(8) Christmas Market and Summer Fair
As indicated in Chairman’s address.
(9) Stone Edifice Wynne Gardens
Whereabouts remain unknown.
(10) Digital Board
Our advert seems to be effective in attracting new members.
(11) Working from Home
Cheryl informed us that there has been an increase in those working in the new building. The Council policy however is that the employees still have the choice and right to work from home.
(12) Gates coastal path
Installed last year. As previously reported, cyclists generally ignore or vandalise all signage. Signs are advisory, rather than mandatory.
(13) Saint Catherine’s Church
Now has an owner with whom we hope to liaise with in connection with the War Memorial, which is now the responsibility of the Town Council. The monies we previously held are now in possession of the Town Council, combined with their more extensive funding for their memorial
(14) Work at Prom
See above
(15) Berthes Road Car Park
Refers to the habit of drivers using the car park as a permanent parking place. It seems that there is little we can do about this.
(16) Any Other Business
- Chairman expressed his thanks to Brian who continued to support us, and many other projects in the village although he had retired from local politics.
- A question raised about the Aldi’s sign near Wellington Road which appears too big. Cheryl will enquire as to whether planning permission required.
- The sign ‘Rotary Way’ at that location had been reported as dangerously low for pedestrians. Enquiries to be made re this by Cheryl.
- Damage caused to housing pod at Sefton Road.
- Engineers looking at one way system at Bodelwyddan Road where surgery and Pharmacy are located. Cheryl will keep us informed.
- Still looking at the installation of speed warning signs Dolwen and Abergele Roads.
- September sees imposition of 20MPH limits in built up areas throughout Wales. Will the huge cost of signage be imposed, or will drivers be expected to comply without signage? For a tourist location, this will be a deterent to visitors unfamiliar with the area, especially those from England, not being so accustomed to this.
(17) Closure of meeting
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.40pm., and the next A.G.M. would be at the same time and venue on 4.6.24.