(1) Meeting Opened
The Chairman opened the meeting
(2) Present
All present signed the attendance sheet.
(3) Apologies
Gwynfor, David Carr, Cheryl and Sandra
(4) Police Report
Info. From Cheryl, (absent thro’ sickness): Motorbike and quad bike issues: Police have confiscated one machine, owner of another warned. Carl is now aware of parking issues on pedestrian crossings. Hedging cut rear of Wylfa flats. Rubble removed from street Llawr Pentre. Continuing to press Council re. b in emptying Abergele Road.
(5) Treasurer’s Report
- OCRA £313.30
- Defibrillator: £679.36p
- Graffiti Project: £2320.00p
- Remembrance Day 2023: £500.00p
(6) Vacant Plots & Brown Sites
Brian and Monty had been interviewed by the press to promote public attention in respect of numerous unused vacant plots and empty buildings in the County which had appeared in local papers. The issue of numerous second and holiday homes in the area was also highlighted contrasted with the difficulty for local young people in obtaining affordable homes. This, whilst agricultural land is taken to supply homes that are out of reach for local people.
(7) War Memorial
This is now the responsibility of the Town Council and will now disappear from our Agenda
(8) Minafon Flats
No further news to date.
(9) Speed Cameras
To be installed Llanelian and Abergele Road. It has not yet been decided which sections of the roads in the County will be subjected to the proposed 20mph limit in built up areas.
(10) Graffiti Project
The illegal graffiti at the tunnel location has been cleaned by the Probation Service ready for the graffiti proper. Brambles overgrowing path from rail embankment need attention.
(11) Solar Lights Wynne Gardens
Are in possession at builder’s yard.
(12) Summer Fair & Christmas Market
Was a notable success after the revised planning caused by unpredictable weather conditions. All those responsible for organising event were congratulated. It was now decided that the Christmas Market would now take place at the same location as the Summer Fair in the same amended fashion using Tape’s premises and the Park, according to weather conditions.
(13) Min y Don Park Upgrade
Brian has been working hard on this with Councillors. 2 new swings to be installed capable of accommodating wheel chairs. Tennis courts left as such, but resurfaced court. Fence around pavilion to be repaired. Wild life growth to be encourage round perimeter. Community orchard with 25 fruit trees in hollow towards Beach Road. Local schools to be involved in this and community garden similar to that in Llandudno Junction. In conjunction with friends of Min y Don Park it is hoped to encourage community responsibility, especially with youngsters.
Noted that yellow markings are appearing here; hopeful signs that action is soon to follow.
This was an impressive review of what the completed project would look like. Terry Croft has since been in consultation with the engineers concerning the issue of pollution from the limestone rubble used for the road foundations which carries through the air over the village. It is carcinogenic. They now dampen the substance. Thank you Terry.
(a) Proposal to install plaque in memory of Bob Barton.
Secretary had made enquiries at Timpson’s and Mathew’s hardware re the plaque for Bob Barton. The merits of brass, Corian (a polymer used for kitchen and floor surfaces etc.) and slate were discussed. It was eventually decided at the Committee Meeting to recommend Welsh slate to the Open Meeting with the words ‘In memory of Cllr. Bob Barton and the Town Councillors responsible for Old Colwyn’s defibrillators.’ A total of 83 words at £1.50p per word in silver leaf. Silver preferable to gold at £2.00p per letter as it complemented the blue slate better.
There was sufficient money in the defibrillator account and it was felt that it would be a fitting tribute to Bob who had initiated the project, and his fellow Councillors who had donated all or part of their Council expenses towards the village’s defibrillators.
Sure Hope Church had given permission for this to be placed above the defibrillator in front of their Church. Total cost is expected to be £266.00p.
Merfyn Thomas proposed that plaque should be installed as shown above and Gail Jones seconded this. Those present all agreed without amendment.
(b) Drain St John’s Close
Patricia reported that a drain in St. John’s Close had not functioned for many years. Examination of the problem shows that this is not connected to the waste water system. Gail would follow this up.
(c) Traffic Marine Roundabout
Alf noted the abnormally heavy traffic at Marine round- about and suggested that traffic lights may be installed. It was explained that previous experience indicates that lights would only be viable on much larger round-abouts.
(d) Hedge Opposite Marine Hotel
Patricia noted that hedge of house opposite Marine Hotel at junction of Abergele Road and link road was overgrowing foot walk and needs attention
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.15pm. The next meeting would be at the same location and time on 1.8.23
(15) Meeting Closed
There being no other business, meeting closed at 8:15pm. Next meeting 6th June 2023